Our mission is benevolent and educational. We support and defend the law enforcement profession and those law enforcement officers who have devoted their lives to upholding the Constitution and serving the United States and its citizens while enforcing its laws. We also seek to educate the public about the many risks and threats to law enforcement personnel in order to build a more informed, respectful, and appreciative society.
We execute our mission by:
Publicizing the many challenges and dangers faced by our nation’s law enforcement officers in the media, and through our website, social media, direct mail campaigns, educational engagements, and by other means
Supporting the defense of wrongfully accused/charged law enforcement officers by providing funds for defense counsel, court and subsistence costs, and expert witnesses
Supporting the activities of law enforcement professional associations, fraternal organizations, and related groups
Raising awareness of the risks to the livelihood, health, and safety of our nation’s law enforcement officers and providing support and appropriate recognition for their many sacrifices
Responding to efforts to undermine the legitimacy of law enforcement officers engaged in the performance of their duties
Providing recognition to exceptional private citizens who defend and protect law enforcement officers engaged in official actions